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    Website Redesign Time!

    Well hello there Internets...

    I'm looking to redesign my little corner of the Internet and once-again pretend I'm going to actually make good use of it. Pre-hooray!

    Here's a sketch I just made for my Web 3.5 site, I believe you fancy industry types call them "wireframes":

    Notice the patent-pending "TentaScroll Bar" and Bonzi Buddy footer. I know it's cutting edge stuff, but I think with enough Perl knowledge, you'll be able to achieve such greatness! Also, I'm not married to this layout, that kind of love isn't legal, yet. So feel free to think inside, outside, above or below the box on this redesign... and YES, you can use flaming skull gifs and the blink tag!

    I'm currently hosted on Squarespace (and dig 'em lots), but don't mind switching to WordPress, or GeoCities for that matter.

    If you're a web-designer type, and will work for hundos-and-handjobs (which will someday be the name of my creative agency), drop me a line: webdev@kevinpereira.com

    Thanks in advance!

    Reader Comments (20)

    I'm interested! Sending you an email as we speak ... er, type.

    March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Anthony Webb

    Well can't wait to see it. Looks pretty genius ;-]

    March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCaptain Hash

    I actually believe you're serious about this, which is kinda scary. It can be done, though I'm curious if that's all you're aiming for is a one page fits all situation. More details would be nice.

    March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBioToxin

    Just make it look fancy, Kev!

    March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbuiman11

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    I sent you an email, Sir knight of kittens. I hoep to hear back from you!


    April 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMayple

    Yes!' A chance to assist, and contact-(sorta)My.Well, he's cute.So interested.And ready to rock it.My web-designing skillege will not die in vain.Kevin, be prepared to be blown away.Well, I hope so.I am a bit rusty.Sending you an email, respond to the questions please.If you can, help me get a more visual look on this.I'm not certain on what you specificly want or intend on doing.But I will try my best.

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    Looks good, the peeni-tentacle scroll is turning me on. great!

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    I know it's my sentimental side getting the best of me but I'd love to see a resurgence of the website. With social media devouring the internet it's rare that you see the pride that once came along with one's own personal place on the web, not implying that this will in any way invoke pride (I mean you do have a dick as a scroll), but you get what I mean. I respect that the web has grown into exactly what it was intended to be but on the other hand it's the very thing that has slowly killed itself. I’m ready for an internet dumb down.

    Also, can you somehow incorporate the kitten cannon?

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    First of all -- can someone kill off these sunglasses spammers???

    LOVE YA KEVIN! Anything you're a part of -- I'm on board! Where are we gonna be able to see SOG? And most importantly, are we gonna see your wangus? At least give us some bare-chested-ness action, dammit! Quit wearing all them articles of clothing already! YOU'RE ONE HOT SEXY MOFO NERD! ;-) Am I right, ladies? I know I ain't the only one thinking this...

    June 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHOTNERDS4ME

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