You Are Powerful: Amnesty International
Somehow I missed this commerical in the shuffle that was the holidays. It's for Amnesty International and it was made to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I wouldn't dare venture to say anything is this simple, but there is no denying that the spot is very well done:
Reader Comments (35)
I hate watching people get beat. I just f*cking hate it! It makes me lose faith in humanity.
Very creative commercial though.
I miss living in that comfort bubble of mine. Ah well. Still definitely powerful and encouraging. there's so much more that can be done. Every little bit helps right?
I second Nick G's comment. Powerful ad.
Thinking globally is really hard when we are so focused on our consumer driven needs.
People beating othrer people just makes us seem like animals. I hate to see it too, jt makes us seem like savages.
Yes Amnesty International. Slap on the wrist to terrorists, murderers, and psychopaths and hatred for Israel defending its people from literally endless attacks day in and day out.
Just another extremely slanted "organization".
peace even in america is only relative, america has guns blazing in more countries than most. in every conflict, both sides justify what they are doing,so whos standards are right? the majority of germany thought they had the right ideals in the world war. no wonder Jesus avoided politics!
well its good this video didn't support the whole violence for violence theory.
Violence for violence? If you take away the response to violence then you just get unimpeded violence.
Give me a break with all this anti America bullshit. "Guns blazin in more countries than most". What the fuck does that mean. We are in other countries because
1. We basically protect the whole of Europe while they spit on us.
2. We are trying to create something better in some places for our own safety, and betterment of those areas. Though some places will always be shit stains with shit stain cultures.
This "its all relative" shit is fucking ridiculous and its infesting our country. Guess what GERMANY WAS WRONG AND EVIL in their actions, no doubt about it. They threatened the whole world you stupid FUCK.
There is right and wrong even in shades of gray most of the time one side is a whole lot darker.
wow chad, you made yourself look like an arrogant douche. not saying that "some" of what you wrote makes sense....but you still sound like a douche....douchey douchey douchebag
It's videos like this that make me think, we're not going to make it as a species. We'll not rise above the quagmire we find ourselves in. And it makes me sad.
And Chad, just... shut it when you're clearly an ignorant boob, okay? I don't have the patience right now to point out all the things that were wrong with your comment. Suffice to say, they are legion.
You called me a boob. lol. Well first of all fuck you, second peace is not even a useful term in describing the circumstances of humankind. "Peace" has never existed...and never will...period. Only preparing for war, preparing to defend ones community, buying time for another war.
The only "Peace" we have is making those ready for war pay a hefty price, to delay "their" (or "our") intentions. This "Peace" has and will most often only come from war.
Shit in the world doesn't change on its own. Evil will not go away unless someone does something about it.
Get off your fucking high chair judging "humanity" you little snob. That's what you sound like a fucking little snobby douche.
point taken chad. some people dont respond to peace. but the point i was trying to make was think before you act,and not be so quick to shoot off your guns (or in this case your mouth) im hoping even you can appreciate the use of using your brain right...
i doubt you will be able to swallow any type of criticism so. ill give you a pointer;-) once you show that your angry and start swearing, your credibility is lost. people think you aren't capable of rational thought. and the fact that you put up three post..... haha i must have you pretty steamed huh......ok, i will permit you keep swearing now. YOU FUCK! HAHA.
Chad as well as everyone else made very valid points. Where the hell is Jack Bauer damnit!
we need jack bauer and tony almeida to handle those fools
Yes. We do use our mind. That's why we have the most sophisticated military in the world. The best research and the best trained troops. (as well as israel)
Compare that to blowing up a market square in the name of "Alah!"
I'd like to see people like you living in Israel or having to be responsible for the people of Israel.
"Can't we all just get along" HA! What a joke.
Well, Chad, the state that we find ourselves in, the state you describe as "'Peace' has never existed...and never will...period. Only preparing for war, preparing to defend ones community, buying time for another war", that would be the quagmire I was talking about. And I only called you an ignorant boob because you were making grandiose, factually incorrect, offensive statements. It wasn't personal, I assure you. I call anyone who does that an ignorant boob.
Its very easy to call me an ignorant boob and make generalizations without ever explaining or backing up any of your assertions and snobbish insults. Are you kidding me? Ignorant boob?
Do me a favor, go to Iran, Palestine, Iraq, Africa, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Egypt, or any other crap hole where true Islam thrives and figure out "Peace" without giving them something undeserved, bribing, or manipulating shit hole "leaders". I'll support you.
I should add in Europe as well in a few decades as they are conceding everything to this wave of backward stupidity.
Well Chad, have you, or are you in the military? You have to be, since you are saying all these things. Sounds like you know from personal experience what is happening around the world. I'm a former Recon Marine in the US military. I agree with that other guy. Know both sides of the story, UNBIASED. Not to let the media tell you what you should think. If you aren't in the military, I would like to invite you to the Marine Corps, maybe a 0311, or like me an 0321. Make your decision when you go to Iraq, and tell me what you learned.
Props to robin's sage
chad's a douchey douchebag
The majority of Israel and Palestine both want a peaceful alternative. Both are being attacked day in day out. Why as an outsider do you think that you have the right to take away a peaceful alternative...
Its simple. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the groups that will pop up in the future. Question answered.
I suppose the only way to understand history, current events, etc is to be/have been in the military then.
Why did we elect Obama then! I'm sure there are plenty of people who are in the military who disagree with your assessment. Say the Israeli military maybe?
I respect your service but you can't use your service as being an expert on current events and foreign affairs.