Drumming "Amazing" by Kanye West
Kevin Pereira, hopped up on antibiotics and nasal sprays, dons a sweat-stained Godfather T-shirt and "comfy pants" to drum along with "Amazing" by Kanye West. He knows the drums are way too busy for this track, and could really care less, because it's just too much fun to play. He's also typing in the third person, right now!

Reader Comments (219)
you're the man!
even while sick and drugged. :)
by far, the cutest boy on tv.
wow, great job kevin!
Very nice, holla for Kevin
Dude that was hella good!! How much did that set cost?
not gonna lie... had no idea you played drums... and you fricken rocked that shit... that was stellar.
this shit is ill son.....hey if he does a live concert you need to be on drums. so sick
hi-hat hero. good job, kevye!
Slow clap a happening, oh here it comes, nice and slow............clap
Nice work! Needs more cowbell though. But really, I'm impressed.
Alex G
Roland set... Jealousy is now the word of the day. Son of a bitch.
loved that cowbell
Now only if the drums in the actual song were that good.
Just awesome! What type of drum kit is that?
BTW, I think I have a sympathy cold. But Mommy DC is coming to NY to take care of me today!
Looks like a TD-12 or 20. Very nice set. So one of my co-workers told me that he was in a band with you call the "Sofa Kings" in middle school. I can see that he wasn't lying about how good you were at drums!
Holla indeed sir.....
Dude..sweet! You got to give us a rundown of your setup!!??
wow man no idea you played the drums, you are really good man haha ^^ join my band plz
Dude! So sick, I didn't know you could drum thats awesome.
Special request for a drumming solo on AOTS! ? Haha jk jk.. not really... :P
It was sick though really.
Hot damn, man! That's the way to sweat that sickness outta ya! :)
you ARE amazing.
Didnt know u could rock on the drums that way!
Its like Kanye the KP remix.
Kickass Kevin!
haha that's awesome! :D You're very good.
Hope you feel better soon.
Simply amazing, you did it whilst on meds, you included cowbell, and you rocked out. I'm so proud of my boy!!!!
That was amazing!
You've got some serious skill.
Teach me your ways, master Kevin.