Dear Olivia Munn. Hi. You may know me from such hit television shows as, Attack of the Show... and, Arena? Look, whatever, I'm kind of a big deal. Just take my word for it. Or Google it. Here's the point: You posted a cute little blog update which featured my amazing man-ass, uncredited mind you, and are reaping the sweet fruity nectar from the Adsense vine thanks too said badonkadonk. You haven't offered a cent of residuals, you haven't referred a single hit; you've done nothing but PROFIT from my many years of Winsor Pilates and Jamba Juice Razzmatazz lunches (with added burner boost of course). ENOUGH.

There! Are you happy? I know I am. Here's to having an honest post on the internet that can properly be tagged with, "Olivia Munn, Blowjob, Simulated Oral Sex, etc." I hate that it has come to this, but for what it's worth, I also tagged this post with "ANGRY DRAGON", so the world knows exactly how this tale ended. Thanks for the hits!
See you tomorrow princess. Xoxo.
Love, me.