Hey, Olivia? Why Do You Make Me Hurt You?
Dear Olivia Munn. Hi. You may know me from such hit television shows as, Attack of the Show... and, Arena? Look, whatever, I'm kind of a big deal. Just take my word for it. Or Google it. Here's the point: You posted a cute little blog update which featured my amazing man-ass, uncredited mind you, and are reaping the sweet fruity nectar from the Adsense vine thanks too said badonkadonk. You haven't offered a cent of residuals, you haven't referred a single hit; you've done nothing but PROFIT from my many years of Winsor Pilates and Jamba Juice Razzmatazz lunches (with added burner boost of course). ENOUGH.
There! Are you happy? I know I am. Here's to having an honest post on the internet that can properly be tagged with, "Olivia Munn, Blowjob, Simulated Oral Sex, etc." I hate that it has come to this, but for what it's worth, I also tagged this post with "ANGRY DRAGON", so the world knows exactly how this tale ended. Thanks for the hits!
See you tomorrow princess. Xoxo.
Love, me.
Reader Comments (100)
why r u holding ur shoes
Possibly one of the only times in history that I have laughed so hard that I choked.
That was awesome. Kevin Pereira you are cool and funny as hell, but with Kevin P as your name its not unexpected cause we rock. AOTS would be nothing without you. Keep up the good work, I'll definitely be back.
Look at it this way Kevin, think about how many people actually thought that was olivia's ass, and decided to "rub one out" to it. There ya go, that should help you sleep.
That was one serious burn =)
why are there seperate tags for 'olivia' 'munn' and 'olivia munn' lol
ohh kevin... your tricky!!!
why is she wearing glasses while staring... just saying
I love you Kevin, but ...I didnt even notice you were in the picture. Did you notice Olivia's behind? Oh my god! You and the two women that are also in the picture could be ON FIRE underwater and I dont think I would have noticed you.
Comedy! You could look like you're enjoying it though!
My first time checking out your blog Pereira... if this is what I can expect in the future... I'm bookmarking this thing! I know, love them intrawebz
great picture or the greatest picture
Nooooooo LOL
Nice kevin that how you roll now? lol epic!
awesome so fraking awesome
I can't stop looking at the shoes!
Sorry Kev. but I have to catch Olivia's back. :)
Didnt work... Here it is.
Really cold man. I understand why you did it, and it is really funny... But that is super cold. I also like how you told those kids where she lived. Too bad she ended up treating them nicely, so the location of her house was never "compromised." Now that would have been really funny.
LMAO awesome. So that explains the sexual tension on set. I completely understand she's after that Portu-sausage, your Portu-wang if you will.
You guys rock. Love your show!
P.S. Olivia is a hottie. That's all I have to say about that.
Mike V.Kev. didn't do that.It was Asher that gave out Olivia's address.Kevin wouldn't do that to her.In fact,he told her it was a bad idea.It was already too late.Kevin respects her too much to do something like that.